Thursday, March 28, 2013

For weeks, parental vigilantes have been protesting a certain teen product line at Victoria's secret.
Victoria's Secret has just launched a new line called 'Bright Young Things' marketed to teens.
it has been rumored to be similar to VS's line Pink.
therefore it's not a new brand which seems to be the problem. 

When new lines come out they usually have ads everywhere to help then gain a boost of money, but this line was already there so it basically "tricks" teen girls to buy it because it's new.

20 million dollars catched Justin Timberlake's attention !

Former singer Justin had left the stage to put his life together and handle other things going on in his life.
Timberlake was pressured to return to music by Live Nation, which gave him around $20 million in 2009. 
Dual enrollment with Jay-Z has offered him even more money! he truley is on his grind.

March 2011 he told Entertainment Weekly he thought he may return to music:
”But to make an album, you have to find a group of songs that speak to something that might not be on the radio currently and make sense for you personally. It’s right around the corner, I think.” 

Huge brands that commited suicide

From drug trafficking scandals to poisonous air purifiers, big companies have stumbled into all sorts of suicidal mishaps that have killed top brands
  • Circuit City flopped for many reasons, failure to manage it's inventory and website.

  • is the poster child of the dot-com bubble's catastrophic bursting.
Launched in 1998, the pet supplies website went public in February of 2000. A hugely expensive marketing effort, together with massive investment in website-based companies at the time, resulted in overvaluation of the e-commerce site.

Germany's unemployment rate increases in March

Germany predicted since November that their unemployment rate would increase by march, and it is obviously predicted correct.
The unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.9 percent.
it increased in March by 13,000. this is very bad for their economy and copuld lead them to a resession. this also affects the U.S considering we trade goods with germany.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kim Kardashian blasts out weight gain!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Miley cyrus thinks she can twerk?

Urban Dictionary describes "twerking" as "The act of moving/ shaking ones ass/ buns/bottom/buttocks/bum-bum in a circular, up-and-down, and side-to-side motion. Basically a slutty dance. coming from strip clubs.

Miley decided to wear a hoodie with an animal like figure and started to dance, some say she could have been high?
no one knows for a fact but the video she posted caused much controversial.

Chinese BYD drops economy!

China droped their economy a  in 2012 due to the chinese BYD electric car company, owned by  Warrren Buffet. He saw a 94 percent in earnings drop.
A subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway owns a 9.56 percent stake in the company.
this is very important, considering China is one of the leading country's in economy.
The Chinese BYD is considering making new material in hope to increase its profit and use it's resources in a more useful matter.



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mobile phones make you go blind in supermarkets.

Mobile phones are now being a major cause on market economy, and your eye sight.
as you are waiting down the isle to pay for your groceries in the supermarket you avoid magazine ads, gum candy, and other goods.
It is known the cause to be Facebook and Other social media sites.

The problem has worsened in the past 18 months, as more than half of all Americans now carry a smart phone, which is making the human being  "dumber"

Fast food restaurants are no good with breakfast!

Everyone loves Breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day.
what's so hard about succeeding at breakfast?
Simply put, breakfast is incredibly hard to pull off, 
said Eric Newman, EVP at "super-regional" chain Bojangles
Fast food chains can't just order some eggs and open earlier. 
Logistically, there's a lot to think about.
Breakfast should be a home made cooked meal, with mostly organic foods.
unlike fast food restaurants have frozen food and other unnutritional ingredients.

Twiiter's 7th anniversary!

Twitter now has 200 million active users posting 400 tweets a day!
The first tweet sent by twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006, read, "just setting up my twttr."
this is very important for those those loyal twitter users! twitter today has become one of the most popular social network along with Facebook. 
it's easy and so much fun!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

After 23 years the FBI still wants to figure out the loss of this painting.

A 23 year old case of a art robbery is still under process. the very expensive painting worth around 500 billion dollars is still lost from a Boston  art museum.
They are offering a 5 million reward to whom ever knows or can find the missing paintings from this museum.
Its' hectic to really try to go and steal these painting. the thefts will get caught eventually.

Investigators have said in the past that they hope to crack the case by using tactics like those used to capture notorious gangster James "Whitey" Bulger, who was eventually caught after authorities publicized the case on billboards.

10 things Samsung working on a wristwatch to top Apple

Samsung is working on a newly invention, The wrist watch.
Apple took over much of the mobile business and samsung is competing creating this wrist watch that will have similar features to the smart phone.

Last month, the New York Times reported that Apple was experimenting with the design of a device similar to a wristwatch that would operate on the same platform as the iPhone and would be made with curved glass.

Samsung sales dropped nearly 5 percent, or around $10 billion, in just two trading sessions after it launched its latest Galaxy S smartphone
Apple and Samsung are definitely on top of the most popular mobile business. there is much work and newly products coming in!

10 thiings China's housing pricing rise further.

New-home prices in China rose sharply in February from January, prompting speculation that Beijing will crack down further on property speculation.

Prices of newly built homes in 66 of 70 large and medium-size cities rose in February from January
 the state council and china's cabinet said that the increase would help accomplish a 20% gain tax.

Policy makers have been working to stop prices from rising too quickly for the past three years. They have planned some higher down-payment requirements and outright bans on multiple mortgages in those cities with high prices.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Best Vending Machine ever !

This corporate vending machine offers all products for a quarter.  25 cents snack! Thats almost for free. this man posted this picture saying "i cant't believe they have this vending machine at my wife's job"!
It is amazing how affordable these snacks are, it makes everything in the morning or afternoon run smoothly.

11 Google products and services you never knew existed.

   Google is one the best and most popular web search and an Android mobile operating system.  
   Starting off with:
 Google Mars is just like Google Earth only you are not exploring the earth, you are exploring Mars.
Google Scholar is a search engine for scholarly articles. Scholar is pretty expansive, letting you access articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
Google Art project is a site that lets people search museums of art, artistic models, and gallery tour.
Google transliterate helps people translate a certain word or phrase from any language.
Build with Chrome is a partnership between Google Australia and Lego. The project is a way to show how Google's Chrome web browser can display 3D images. Users can build their own 3D Lego structures too.
Google Think is a site for advertisers and similar professions to get marketing insights and inspiration straight from Google.
Power Searching with Google is a feature that sharpens users search skills. Google's search experts offer tips and tricks to better navigate the search engine and help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Schemer is a network that helps plan things to do with your friends. The service works especially well in densely populated areas.
Google Ears is a service that is similar to Shazam that tells you what song is playing.
Google Moderator is an open forum for discussing topics, asking questions, and sharing ideas. Moderator helps anyone receive feedback on anything they want. is a more secure way to search for things. Encrypted uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) which is the same security that banks use online.

Google Keep 10 things

Google is experimenting with a note-taking service called Google Keep. Meanwhile, over 500,000 people have joined Feedly after Google said it was scrapping Google Reader.
Goggle keep, is like Evernote, Pocket, and Onenote. it is a note-taking guide, it helps you organize and save website snippets directly. it allowed you to save notes, color code them, save pictures, and make checkslist.
It has been a hit so far, the Andrroid police has recently reported it being gone. these apps don't seem to be lasting any long amounts of time.  The codename for Google Keep is "memento" and the MIME type for Google Keep files is "application/".
It seems to be replacement for 'Google Notebook" a service that has been discontinued sinve 2009.
This is important to know, because yu may have certain files saved under either evernote, onenote, or google keep. and all of a sudden in a day its gone. it is impotant to have a reliable source you can trust with you data.